#1 PE/Growth/VC/IB/HF Recruiting, Training & Networking Platform in North America
Democratizing Access to Top Finance Careers & Networks & 100% Built by Professionals

Coming to your University this Fall
Top 10 MBA & Top 30+ Undergraduate Universities - 2021/22
100+ Workshops Held since 2019, with 50k+ Students & Candidates
Kaushik Ravi, Speaker
8+ Year Private Equity & Investment Banking Professional
PE Director by age 30; VP at Goldman Sachs IB & PE
Director, Private Equity, Varde ($15bn)
Vice President, Goldman Sachs PE ($100bn)
Vice President, Goldman Sachs IB
Chief of Staff, Goldman Sachs & Recruiting Lead for PE & IB, Goldman
Has led $200bn+ in transactions (to date) over career
Founder, Elevate- #1 PE, VC & IB Recruiting, Training & Networking Platform (Est. 2019)
Partnered with Top 12+ MBA, Top 30 UG universities & 100+ Premier Finance & Investing Clubs
Partnered with 50+ Top Private Equity, Investment Banking & Growth Equity / Venture Capital Firms & Professionals
Largest Networking (By Invite), Training (Mastery), Recruiting (Recruit) and Resource (Advice) Platform for PE, VC & IB Careers​
Speaker & Instructor at 100+ University Workshops since 2019
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Student leader testimonials &
elevate workshop VIDEOs:

fall 2019
Advice on Starting in a Business Career: Finding Intersection of what you're good at (skillset) and what you enjoy doing (passion)
What are consulting, investment banking and private equity careers actually like?
How to be effective in networking during recruiting
3 ways to make an impact: (1) Nail your 60 second pitch (2) Have 3-4 good questions to ask (3) Follow up
Informational & Formal Interviews: Keys to success, common pitfalls
Building the best resume
Keys to success as analysts: (1) Top work quality (2) Take ownership
Developing an investor's mindset

Wharton, UPENN
Spring 2020
Four boxes to check when recruiting for Investing roles: Investment Acumen, Transactional Experience, Leading Transactions, Fit
Breaking into PE post MBA with various backgrounds
How to prepare for the PE MBA recruiting process: make your firm lists, networking, build investment ideas, go through your prior deals
How to prepare for PE MBA recruiting from a non-traditional background: Getting your story straight, building your technical skillset, and network.
Impact of COVID on recruiting
Selling your story
Build & demonstrate your investment acumen
Reverse diligencing funds & firms
Making an impression in a remote environment

Student Leader Testimonials
Hear from Student Leaders on the Impact of Elevate Workshops and broader Elevate programming at their respective universities.
Featured students are leaders of top pre-professional groups at:
Princeton University (Goldman Sachs)
Harvard University (Barclays)
Stanford University (BAML)
Yale University (LionTree)
Massachussettes Institute of Technology (Warburg Pincus)
Duke University (Lazard)

YALE University
Fall 2020
Private Equity, coming from Banking vs. Consulting
Make your own path
Specialization early in career
PE Recruiting Process
Private Equity Principles: Size, Valuation, Leverage, Growth
What Firms Look For
Going into PE right away vs. after 2 years in Banking / Consulting
Defining your own success
Importance of your network
Reasons for MBA
Communicate your value
How do you get a VC to respond to you

Fall 2019
How to be successful in business careers
Starting and advancing your finance careers - what to do at each level of your career
Importance of breadth vs. depth (i.e. specialization) early in your career?
Finding work/life balance & culture that makes you happy, mentorship
Why is networking important and how to do it well? How to think about networking for sellside & buyside in finance?
How to build internship/ work experience early in your career
5 qualities recruiters look to find the best candidates
Interviews in depth: Fit questions, How to approach strengths & weaknesses questions, How to sound more genuine, Q&A for interviewer
What is critical to do early in your career: Top quality of work, Make an impact on those around you, Be confident & find ways to vocalize views
How do you know when to ask for a question?
Things I have learned and what has surprised me about finance

FALL 2019
What are the main considerations in when choosing a banking or consulting firm for employment (large vs. small size, broad vs. niche, technical vs. generalist, etc.)?
What types of experiences are helpful to enter Venture Capital? Working at a start-up vs. working in banking / consulting?
What are the exit options available to me if I work at a start-up?
What types of internships do you recommend students target in their freshman and sophomore summers to secure the best internships?
How to deal with rejection and keep fighting
What are easy things in networking and outreach that people aren't doing nearly enough of?
Advice on Starting in a Business Career: Finding Intersection of what you're good at (skillset) and what you enjoy doing (passion)

Fall 2019
Advice on Starting in a Business Career: Finding intersection of what you're good at (skillset) and what you enjoy doing (passion)
Developing an investor's mindset early in your career
What are consulting, investment banking and private equity careers like?
What is the role of the analyst?
Effectiveness in networking: Being resourceful, persistent but realistic
3 ways to make an impact at networking events: (1) Nail your 60 second pitch (2) Have 3-4 good questions to ask (3) Follow up
How and when to follow up when you don't get a response
Interviews: Behind the scenes & common pitfalls
Building the best resume & how to highlight skills recruiters are looking for
Keys to success as an analyst
Tradeoffs as it relates to work/life balance in finance careers